Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Prosperity Tip #1 -- Subscribe to some magazines!

Read What The Wealthy Read!Want a simple, easy and powerful prosperity tip?

Subscribe to the magazines that the wealthy read!

Now, at first glance, you might wonder, "How will reading some magazines change my bank account?" Great question. Here's how:

It's a law of the universe that you become what you think about. That doesn't mean that looking through the Robb Report will make a Bentley GT Continental appear in your driveway. But, here's what WILL happen....

As you begin to look at luxury, your mindset will gradually start to change so that you feel more comfortable looking at luxury than scarcity. You'll automatically elevate your thinking to the lifestyle that you want....instead of the one you've been settling for.

And when that happens, the law of attraction will start moving people, things, circumstances and opportunities into your life that are in alignment with the new person you've become.

Another thing that will happen is that you will prove to yourself that we live in an abundant universe. There is more than enough to go around. And you really CAN live the life you want.

So, get in the game! Start reading and looking at magazines like Robb Report.
Or Dupont Registry (for cars or homes).
Or Architectural Digest.
Or Millionaire.

And start familiarizing yourself with the life you DESERVE...not the one you've been settling for.

Final word: when you do this, go ahead and SUBSCRIBE to these magazines instead of just buying them off the bookshelf. If you have them coming to your house automatically, you'll look at them more regularly than if you have to remind yourself to go buy the latest copy.

Try it! You'll be amazed at the change!

Tony Rush

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